Voicemail by deve Beta

request your voicemail


We need your name and email, but feel free to leave the phone number blank.

Tell us what you would like to evoke with your voicemail, Love? Hate? Fear? You tell us what you want and we will deliver!


daniel and steve

A Little bit about the deve

before the DEVE was a household name, it was just two guys trying to figure out how to pay for college

but even back then, daniel and steve knew they had stumbled onto something great
nay, something fundamental

as if everything in history has been leading to this point

for you to find the DEVE


brief history

82nd Ave. in NE Portland, Oregon (Fall) - 2001 - OUT OF WORK BUT NOT OUT OF IDEAS
Daniel and Steve take long walks regularly, and begin to realize that they're dancing to a different beat.
82nd Ave. in NE Portland, Oregon (Spring) - 2002 - SURFING THE POWER WAVE
Deaving never surfed before, Daniel and Steve jump on some old pallets and ride the power wave to freedom.

our latest

sometimes being one idea away from changing everything is just one damn idea too much
  • unbridled focus
    deve, 2002
  • innovation domination
    deve, 2003, modified from a slogan on the cartoon network
  • do it to it
    deve, 2004

contact deve

201.701.DEVE (3383)

Portland, OR 97203

don't know where portland, oregon is?

well today's your lucky day: